Penggunaan printf pada java
Penggunaan printf di java %format
- s = strings.
- d = decimal integers.
- f = floating-point numbers.
- t = date/time values.
- n atau bisa juga dengan \n= garis baru
- b = boolean
- c = Char
Cara Penggunaannya
> printf("%s %n", "copascoding");
> printf("%S %n", "CopasCodingan");
> System.out.printf("'%15s' %n", "copascoding");
> System.out.printf("'%-10S' %n", "CopasCodingan");
' copascoding'
'CodingCodingan '
> System.out.printf("simple integer: %d%n", 10000L);
simple integer: 10000
> System.out.printf("%c%n", 's');
> System.out.printf("%C%n", 'S');
> System.out.printf("CopasCoding: %d%-2c%s", 100 ,'%' ,"instan");
CopasCoding: 100% instan
#Format Waktu
- H, M, S characters are responsible for extracting the hours, minutes and seconds from the input Date.
- L, N represent the time in milliseconds and nanoseconds accordingly.
- p adds a.m./p.m. formatting.
- z prints out the time-zone offset.
> System.out.printf("%tT%n", date);
13:51:15 <-- waktu sekarang
> Date date = new Date(); // memanggil waktu
> System.out.printf("hours %tH: minutes %tM: seconds %tS%n", date, date, date);
hours 13: minutes 51: seconds 15 <-- waktu sekarang
#Format Tanggal
- A prints out the full day of the week.
- d formats a two-digit day of the month.
- B is for the full month name.
- m formats a two-digit month.
- Y outputs a year in four digits.
- y outputs the last two digits of the year.
> Date date = new Date(); <-- memanggil waktu
> System.out.printf("%1$tA, %1$tB %1$tY %n", date);
Thursday, June 2021<-- tanggal sekarang
> Date date = new Date(); <-- memanggil waktu
> System.out.printf("%1$td.%1$tm.%1$ty %n", date);
17.06.21 <-- tanggal sekarang